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English summary


IT Foundation for the Visually Impaired – INFOALAP

Budapest, Hungary

By donating computers, screen reader and screen magnifier software programmes to blind and partially sighted people, so far our foundation has brought the world into sight for more than 4000 visually impaired persons.

Creating the Braille writing and reading in the 19th century, Braille has opened the door to independent writing and reading for visually impaired people. In our days computer technology has brought revolutionary changes for blind and partially sighted people. Nowadays computer is an important device in study, work and everyday life. Our aim is to help visually impaired people with new devices and technologies.


The aim of the foundation is to create equal chances for visually impaired people in the IT sector. Blind and partial sighted people need special hardware and software to use computer. For the past 18 years the foundation has been successful in localizing, selling and donating special software and hardware.

The majority of blind and partial sighted people can not afford expensive software and hardware. With the help of our foundation the necessary assisting technologies can reach many people in Hungary, by using these devices they can learn, work and organize their free time activities. In the past eighteen years we donated more than 4000 software licenses, 600 computers and 800 digital voice recorders.

Country licence

From the 24th of July, 2018, blind and partially sighted people can use the internationally most widespread JAWS for Windows screen reading, MAGic and ZoomText screen magnifying programs (products of the VFO Group) free of charge, due to the cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior and the foundation.

The licences can be claimed via a form on by private persons or by legal entities that educate or employ these persons, situated in Hungary and can be downloaded from our website on the following link:

Free of charge, legal usage of these licences can ease orientation in the electronic world as well as electronic administration of approximately 300,000 citizens.

With the Country licence in Hungary project, the foundation has submitted an entry for nomination, and has won a bronze medal on the International Business Awards  competition in Communications or PR Campaign of the Year, in Non-Profit / Charity category.  


JAWS for Windows screen reading software developed for blind people, MAGic, Zoomtext screen magnifiers for partially sighted users are regularly localized, donated and marketed by our foundation.

INFOALAP also markets different special hardware tools – PAC Mate, portable Braille-displays, digital desktop and portable magnifier devices.


The foundation runs trainings in its own education room equipped with special devices for IT courses for blind and partially sighted, and also for helpers, teachers and librarians.

Helpdesk – Why do visually impaired people need an own helpdesk?

While a sighted person uses the computer with mouse and monitor, a blind person can only use the keyboard. A partially sighted person must know the possibilities to change the colour contrast and the way how to enlarge the information on the screen. Sighted IT experts have almost no knowledge of keyboard commands, neither about the software and hardware that are necessary for visually impaired people. Our helpdesk offers its services adapted to blind and partially sighted people. People, who are interested, can try special software that makes life of visually impaired people easier. Our colleagues show you our hardware devices, Braille displays, digital magnifiers or the special book scanner. You also have the possibility to learn how to use these devices.

If you have problem with your computer, don’t hesitate, call our helpdesk Ákos Molnár: Phone: (36)(1)273-3188, Mobile: (36)(70)295-9288, or write a mail to:

Presentations of assisting technologies

Since its establishment, the foundation informs its target audience about the novelties. We announce all the information on our website and through the media as well. The foundation also presents technology and gives opportunities to the interested people to try technologies in the practice.


Our foundation develops own software programs, as for example the Hungarian BeLin on a yearly basis. BeLin is a localized and accessible Linux that provides, as an alternative, the possibilities of Linux for visually impaired persons free of charge.

International Camp on Communication and Computer (ICC)

Events like an international computer camp can motivate blind and partial sighted young people to acquire computer knowledge. ICC involves today more than 30 countries and is a great example for forming a community of young people with similar interests. These young people have different cultural and social backgrounds, in this camp they play, learn and work together. It draws the picture of a united Europe. INFOALAP support the participation of Hungarian youngsters in the camp on a yearly basis.

Lapról hangra – From page to voice

In this project sighted volunteers read up newspapers for blind and visually impaired people. They upload read material in mp3 on the website of the programme (, where visually impaired people can listen to them. For blind people it is very difficult to read printed newspapers and magazines. With this site they can reach different printed newspapers on an accessible website in human voice. Volunteers and the blind readers can also communicate about the read and heard articles on the website, they form a community, can be friends.

If you would like to join the project and help blind people by reading up articles in foreign languages, please contact the project team:

Tax number of INFOALAP: 18171776-2-42

Bank account number of INFOALAP: OTP 11714006-20403625


Headquarter: 1146 Budapest, Hermina u. 47.
Office: 1145 Budapest, Szugló u. 9-15.
Phone: +36-1-273-3180, +36-20-425-5224
Helpdesk: +36-70-295-9288


Informatika a Látássérültekért Alapítvány - Főoldal

Kiemelt információk


Kérjük, hogy adója 1%-ának felajánlásával Ön is támogassa alapítványunk közhasznú tevékenységét!

Adószámunk: 18171776-2-42.

Átlagosan 4 adózó 1%-os felajánlásából már beszerezhető és felszerelhető egy használt számítógép, mellyel egy látássérült ember internetezni, e-mailezni, dolgozni vagy tanulni tud, ami hozzásegítheti őt ahhoz, hogy teljesebb, emberhez méltó életet élhessen.

További információk



Európai Unió logó


JOGos érdek – EU-s akadálymentességi jogok érvényesítése az internet világában

Az Európai Unió Közös Értékeink programjának „Fejlődésben – intézményfejlesztési és projektpályázatok” elnevezésű pályázati kiírásán alapítványunk JOGos érdek című pályázati projektje támogatást nyert.

A webes akadálymentesség kérdéseivel és az akadálymentességi jogok érvényesítésével foglalkozó projektet 2023.09.01. és 2024.12.31. között bonyolítjuk le megyei egyesületi partnereinkkel együtt.

Az Informatika a Látássérültekért Alapítvány levelezési listái

Az Infoalap terméktámogatásának részeként évek óta működtet különböző levelezési listákat.

További információk


Lapról Hangra

Lapról Hangra portál

Látó önkéntesek felolvasásában meghallgathatóvá válnak a nyomtatásban megjelenő újságcikkek.

Tovább a Lapról Hangra portálra




Most ingyenesen igényelhetők a JAWS for Windows, a ZoomText, a Fusion és a MAGic programok teljeskörű használatát lehetővé tevő licencek.

Licenc igénylés
Ország licenc szoftverek letöltési oldala
Kérdések és válaszok az ország licencről


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